Collecting Collections and Concepts


Mendes, Paulo & Jürgens, Sandra Vieira (eds.) (2013). Collecting Collections and Concepts. Guimarães: Guimarães 2012 Capital Europeia da Cultura. “Silver Award” - European Design Awards (ED-Awards), 2014.

Abstract: Exhibiting art is above all a political act. It’s a practice that involves values, an action functioning here as a statement, an affirmation of the authorial posture based on certain criteria. It is such a capacity to position oneself that adds meanings and discourses to the works of art and its gathering. Commissioned by Paulo Mendes, Collecting collections and concepts, uma viagem iconoclasta por coleções de coisas em forma de assim pays tribute to Alexandre O’Neil (represented in the exhibition in a portrait by Fernando Lemos) and states the exhibition principles. This specific proposal looks through the motto of the collection to activate a reflection concerning the act and modalities of collecting, which incorporates art production and curatorial practices.  In order to do that, it singled out works from some of the best institutional contemporary art collections and works related to (or specifically made about) the topic. What does it imply to organize exhibitions and gather collections when exhibitions are per se a temporary collection of objects? What kind of artistic and curatorial possibilities can an iconoclastic journey offer?

Jürgens, Sandra Vieira (2013). «Art Work Museums Factories. Build a critical memory of an era» in Collecting Collections and Concepts, uma viagem iconoclasta por colecções de coisas em forma de assim (pp. 76-84). Guimarães: Guimarães 2012 - Capital Europeia da Cultura.


RED LIGHT: Sexuality and Representation in the Norlinda and José Lima Collection

The Book



RED LIGHT: Sexuality and Representation in the Norlinda and José Lima Collection

The Exhibition

Feast. Fury. Femina

Works from FLAD Collection

Feast, Fury, Femina. FLAD Art Collection



Cosmos Library

Catarina Botelho

something in beteween


Temporary Communities


When the machines stop running

Vila Franca de Xira Photography Biennial



The World Began at 5:47

Against Abstraction

Against Abstraction. Works from the Collection of Caixa Geral de Depósitos

Nikolai Nekh

Achilles' Heel


Conflict and Unity

André Alves

Double Exposure

João Fonte Santa

Welcome to Fear City


The Sixth Part of the World

Damián Ortega

The zero point

André Alves

Barbed Wire / Dynamite: The Power of Free Circulation

Deviation and drift

Critical, artistic and curatorial practices in urban contexts

André Alves - Barbed wire / Dynamite: the power of freedom of movement.


Collecting Collections and Concepts


Pedro dos Reis

The resistance of images

Miguel Palma

On density and movement

Bettina Funcke: Interview

100 Notes -100 Thoughts / dOCUMENTA (13)

Miguel Palma and Pedro dos Reis


João Maria Gusmão + Pedro Paiva

53. International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia

Natxo Checa

53. International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia

Salão Olímpico


João Tabarra

The endless path

João Fonte Santa

The Rule of the Game

Side by Side

The First Step

Miguel Palma

IAC/CCB Collection

Fernando José Pereira

IAC/CCB Collection